Friday, March 13, 2009

IKEA Breakfast @ IKEA, Mutiara Damansara

I have always been a fan of IKEA, maybe it is just the way they give you “ideas” and show you how it can be part of your home.  Anyway, recently, I was a willing “victim” of the great IKEA marketing ploy (just like I was a victim of the great Sony marketing) where they serve breakfast at a very reasonable price.

In fact, after much thought, they probably are loosing money on breakfast they serve.  For example, I had a plate of mee siam for RM1.05 (inclusive of service tax) and with it, they also provide FREE freshly brewed coffee.  For RM1.05, I get a nice environment, clean, a plate of mee siam, and a cup of nice cappucino … they must be loosing money on this.

Well, I guess it is called the “lost leader” approach, where you sell something at lost hoping that the customer will buy another item.  This is quite prevalent in hypermarkets as you will notice that most will have specials on certain items and customers will then proceed to purchase other items at a higher price.  Anyway, back to IKEA, yours truly went walking after the breakfast and actually spent RM249/- on a table and 4 chairs!

IKEA Laver @ RM249

The breakfast was after all RM250/- !!!  Oh well, I definitely don’t need it and decided to put it in the office.


Anonymous said...

Creating a conducive and clean environment for your customers is not a 'marketing ploy.'

It should be the norm of every progressive retail outlet!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're also obliged to create a conducive environment for your colleagues to have coffee and chit-chat.

Ian Tan said...

Well, madame Tee-Jean, I did not say that I am an unwilling victim :-P But I must say that IKEA seem to have the right formula.

KH, not for long, have to move it to the apartment soon ...