Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dry cabinet for your camera, why not just a dehumidifier bag?

Once we have purchased all our DSLR accessories that probably cost us more than the DSLR itself, we start to travel around with it.  We visit different places, whatever the weather is and of course, we will sooner or later be drawn towards newer and more expensive lens.

Then, being the smart photographer, we search for used lenses, well, lenses whether used or new should function very much the same.  As we hunt for used lenses, we come across “fungus free, oil free and snappy lens”.  That makes us worry about the value of our own lenses and hence the introduction to a dry cabinet!


After spending all the money on the accessories, we still have this so-called dry cabinet!  The best value for money ones are probably from manufacturers such as Aipo, that produces a 20 litre model for around USD80 or so.

But, isn’t your gear always in the bag?  Well, mine is and I am really lazy to put them into a dry cabinet (well, I don’t have one but hopefully, one day I will get one).  So, what should I do?  I would still like to keep my equipment as dry as possible.  The answer is probably throwing in some silica gel packets into your bag.


However, I have been using a dehumidifier bag for my wardrobe and it seems to work quite well for a large area.


So, I decided to put a USD0.60 dehumidifier bag in the netting area of my Bagman bag for the past 1 month.


It seem to work well so far, the silica gel inside it have started to harden a little but still absorbing.  From my estimate, probably a box of 10 bags (USD6) will last for 1 year.

Sorry for the noisy picture, as you can see, my DSLR is in the bag!

1 comment:

kuanhoong said...

Nice. As long as it is cheap and working well. :)